How to protect your hands this winter

Your hands are used almost every second of the day. You use them to work, play and show your affection. They are important. During the winter months, your hands can become dry, chapped and raw. Dry, cold air, exposure to humidity, and other harsh conditions really kill people. The following tips and ideas can help protect your hands this winter.

# 1. Wear gloves during the day

Gloves help protect your hands from exposure. They prevent moisture from entering and the heat from entering. There are of course different gloves to consider for different occasions. There are gloves for driving, cycling, playing in the snow and fashionable gloves to keep your hands warm. Gloves can be made from wool, leather, cotton and synthetic materials.

# 2. Wear gloves during the night

A fantastic way to hydrate your hands is to coat them with a thick hand lotion and wear gloves at night. They make moisturizing gloves specifically for this reason. These are not your traditional leather or wool gloves. These are usually soft cotton gloves, easy to wear and wash.

# 3. Moisturize often

Take a hand lotion with you and make it a habit to apply it often. Look for lotions with shea butter or petroleum products for maximum moisture. If you have particularly dry hands or chapped hands, consider consulting your doctor or dermatologist for a prescription lotion.

# 4. Treatments with paraffin wax

Paraffin wax treatments are used by many professionals who tend to have dry, chapped hands. For example, nurses wash their hands hundreds of times a day. It's hard to be a nurse and have your hands soft.

You can go to the spa for a treatment or buy a paraffin station at home. It melts the wax. You dip your hand in hot wax and slip your hand into a glove or bag. Let the wax harden on your hand. Peel the wax and you end up with softer hands. You can also moisturize your hands before soaking in wax for extra profit.

# 5. Evaluate topical medications and ointments

Many products dry. For example, if you wash your face with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, you expose your hands to these ingredients. They dry and can erase or irritate your hands. The dish soap can also dry. Make sure the soaps and other cleaners you come in contact with regularly are gentle on your hands.

It is important to take care of your hands. When they are raw and chapped, it affects almost every area of ​​your life. Take care of them this winter and they will take care of you.

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