Moles and skin cancer
It is quite common for people to have moles on their skin and most of the time they are rather harmless.
It is always wise to monitor the moles you may have to make sure they do not become cancerous.
Moles are formed by small clusters of pigment cells that are grouped together and can appear in many different colors.
They are usually brown, black or flesh-colored.
More often than not, they are on other parts of your body rather than on the face.
When they appear on the face, we usually call them beauty points.
If you have a mole on your face that you want to remove, you must find a highly recommended surgeon to perform the procedure with as few scars as possible.
Moles must be removed surgically, although this is usually a very simple and small procedure.
If you notice any changes in your moles, see a doctor right away because it could be skin cancer without you noticing it.
If one of your moles starts to change shape or color, it may be a sign of skin cancer.
If you have a mole with a jagged or asymmetrical border, consult your doctor immediately.
Other signs of skin cancer are dry or scaly patches on the skin that may be in the form of pale pink spots.
In fact, any unusual spot on your skin should be checked as soon as possible to avoid any skin cancer problem.
If you have been exposed to the sun for a long time in your life, this is one more reason to be cautious, because a skin cancer can appear many years later.
Even if you have been using sunscreen wisely in recent years, it is still possible that you have skin cancer because of your exposure during your childhood.
This is an important reason to make sure that all the children you know are protected from the sun.