Menopausal skin

Collagen and elastin fibers are the structural support needed for the skin to stay young.

Collagen production is stimulated by estrogen, a hormone needed for skin firmness and the absence of wrinkles.

The problem of menopause is that this estrogen production begins to decrease, resulting in a break in collagen production.

The decrease in collagen results in the skin becoming softer and more sensitive to wrinkles.

Menopause affects other factors that also reduce the condition of the skin.

As skin becomes more fragile with age, the upper layers of skin, epidermis and dermis separate more easily, leading to vulnerability to damage.

The skin becomes less durable and more susceptible to cuts that would not have occurred in previous years.

On top of that, there is the problem that when cuts occur, they take a lot longer to heal.

The same goes for bruises, which are easier to contract and often look a little harder. In general, their disappearance takes longer.

Due to the delicate nature of the skin during menopause and as you age, it is necessary to be much sweeter than one would expect with the skin of a younger person.

This care applies even to the way creams and cleansers are used on the skin and especially on the face.

As the skin ages and becomes more fragile, it is necessary to avoid pulling the skin when applying skin care products.

By scrubbing with creams and toners, the skin can easily be pulled and stretched in this way, causing permanent damage if done regularly.

It is best to caress the skin when applying lotions and makeup.

Good quality moisturizers applied day and night will help maintain the skin in the best possible conditions and will be a good investment.

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