Natural skin care Why and how
This is exactly the age when skin products, which are unfortunately difficult to distinguish from one another, are introduced here and there. And they can really be confusing. If you are overwhelmed by the myriad of products that essentially promise only the old story, here's the good news. Having perfect skin does not depend primarily on these skin products because natural skin care beats them all.
Staying natural is always the best way to have a young and radiant skin. Not only is it healthy, but it's also cheap. This not only benefits your skin, but also your whole body. And not only is it momentary, it can work longer. After making yourself known by all skin care products, now is the time to adjust your opinion of skin care, and some suggestions on natural skin care are a good way to get started.
1. Watch your diet. Remember the adage Are you what you eat? That says a lot about skin care. Keep in mind that a good and healthy diet results in equally healthy skin. If you have unusual rashes, dryness, and rough skin, ask yourself what you have eaten. You may need to make some changes to your diet. A good diet consists of foods rich in fiber; such as grains, legumes and beans; and healthy fats; like linseed oil, walnut oil and omega-3 fish. It also contains fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, such as vitamins A, B, B2 and E; fiber; calcium; iodine; and proteins. Less sugar should also be included in the diet because excess sugar is linked to premature aging. It is generally accepted that changing diets is not an easy task, but take baby steps first. If you master the situation, things will be much easier.
2. Moisturize. Drinking plenty of water, preferably six to eight glasses, regenerates the body and helps eliminate waste and toxins. It also prevents drying of the skin. People with acne, psoriasis and other skin problems have often noticed that they also suffer from constipation, a sign of low water consumption.
3. Have a regular exercise. If you spend most of the day sitting or with little physical activity, you may be exposed to skin problems such as acne or cellulite. Of course, it is not so attractive. So, if you can, sign up at a gym. Or, if time and money are a problem, plan at least five minutes of exercise or stretch before going to work. Take a break at the office and walk a little. At the end of the day, do everything you can to move your body. You do not want mere inactivity to ruin your skin, do you?
4. Make your own skincare products. Make your own facial mask, cleanser, toner or other skin-friendly product in the comfort of your kitchen. This can save you a little money by buying skin products and, at the same time, give you your share of peace knowing what goes in what you put on your face. These are natural skin care in the literal sense of the word.