Why should you try all natural skin care products
Do you wonder about all natural skin care products? There are many choices on the market today and it can be confusing to decide which products are right for you. Here are some things to consider before shopping for a new skin care program.
Environmental pollution and sun exposure can increase the production of free radicals in the body. The body already produces these free radicals harmful to the skin in a continuous way during the process of metabolism. Free radicals can cause mutations in skin cells that can lead to cancer or, at the very least, the appearance of premature wrinkles. All good skin care programs should include some form of sun protection.
Most natural skin care products contain sunscreen. Check the label for the SPF protection level. Be careful if you use sunscreen every time you expose yourself to the sun, as this may cause vitamin D deficiency. To be sure, supplement your nutritional intake with a daily multivitamin. The lack of vitamin D is linked to osteoporosis, so older women must be extra careful to replace their vitamin intake.
There has been a recent trend towards more skin care products related to nutrition. Poor nutrition and poor physical health affect skin cells and the rest of the body. Vitamin C is particularly beneficial for the health of the skin and can even prevent some damage caused by exposure to the sun. Antioxidant vitamins eliminate free radicals, which can damage skin cells and cause premature aging. Our body still produces free radicals as a byproduct of metabolism. A daily supplement of antioxidant vitamins can therefore be very useful.
Honey is an excellent material for all natural skin care products because it can retain moisture already present in the skin. Previously, many spas used paraffin wax for this purpose, but it is now recognized that honey is a much more useful natural alternative. Vegetable oil and natural waxes will also have this effect if you prefer not to use honey or if you do not have one.
Honey is not a very effective natural moisturizer because it does not contain water. However, it does not dry the skin as could alcohol and other common cosmetic ingredients. Honey can also inhibit bacterial growth and other acne-causing organisms. There are specialized honeys that can be used like all natural skin care products, which are very different from those you find at the store.
Olive oil is another kitchen item found in the best natural skin care products. Olive oil has various uses in natural cosmetics, including hydration of the skin or hair. It can be used on dry, parched skin of heels, elbows or knees. Throw some olive oil in your next bath for more softness and luxury. Olive oil can even moisturize the hair and scalp if rubbed directly on the head.
Olive oil is also a beautiful natural skin exfoliator. Simply mixing oil with brown sugar will give a thick exfoliating paste. The paste can then be used before a shower or bath as an exfoliating treatment. Olive oil is just one of the excellent natural skin care products that can be used to moisturize and protect your skin.