What you need to know about organic skin care

Because today's consumers are more aware of their health and their environment, there are more organic skin care products than ever before. Other people may have developed allergies to all the toxins and chemicals used in commercial skin care products and are looking for a healthier alternative. Some ingredients commonly used in commercial products include fragrances, dyes and various types of acids.

In contrast, organic skin care products contain natural ingredients such as vitamins A, C or E, essential oils, antioxidants or proteins. These are needed to replace  skin cells   lost with age. As you get older, the body produces less collagen and elastin, which leads to dry, wrinkled skin. Rehydrating cells from the outside is the only way to repair this age-related damage.

You can now find organic skincare products in almost any pharmacy, pharmacy or health and natural products store. If you do not have access to any of these locations, many online retailers will choose their natural cosmetics. Some spas and hair salons have also added organic products to their inventory. Most of these products are free of perfumes and dyes and will not cause or aggravate existing allergies.

There are organic products available for men and women. Men can find organic shaving lotion and aftershave, while women usually have more options for cleansers, creams, toners and gels. Unfortunately, organic products generally cost more than the synthetic version of the same product. Protect your skin and your health from toxic chemicals and preservatives at an extra cost.

An alarming number of traditional skincare products may contain the wetting agents diethanolamine and triethanolamine, sometimes listed on ingredient labels as DEA and TEA, respectively. These substances themselves are not considered a cancer risk. If the product contains nitrites as contaminants, it can cause a chemical reaction that creates carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Most commercial cosmetics include some type of bactericide or preservative. These are necessary to protect cosmetic products from contamination, but can also be dangerous or even carcinogenic. For example, traces of formaldehyde are found in some products. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and is neurotoxic at higher doses.

How can you be sure that your skin care products are truly organic? Unfortunately, the labeling of cosmetics still leaves much to be desired. As a general rule, a cosmetic product must follow the same USDA rules as a food product. The product must contain at least 95% organic and natural ingredients to be labeled.

Once the 95% threshold is reached, there is a serious lack of additional guidelines and regulations. There are no restrictions on words that cosmetic manufacturers can use on their labels. So you will often see many products called biological or botanical, although they may contain a small amount of synthetic chemicals. Carefully read the ingredient labels to make sure that your organic skin care products are really only organic.

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