How body changes during pregnancy?

When you are pregnant, your blood circulation becomes higher than usual so that the blood vessels under your skin can make your cheeks look more red. And because of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, the production of oil in your body is higher than before and this causes your skin to look more shiny than before.

Here are some other changes that can be felt by mothers during the 9 months of waiting before they actually become mothers.

Have you noticed any brown or yellow spots on your facial skin? What you see in the glass is called the pregnancy mask or also known as chloasma. Chloasma can arise due to the effects of pregnancy hormones namely progesterone and estrogen found in melanin cells in the skin. If you are a woman who is susceptible to chloasma, you can minimize the effect by avoiding too much exposure to the sun. The pigmentation you experience will begin to disappear after giving birth and when the hormone levels in your body have started to return to the level after giving birth.

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy also carry several other effects on skin changes, namely the appearance of zits. For skin care, especially your facial pores that are more oily during pregnancy, you can use a light-based facial scrub. You certainly want to avoid scrub products that are rough or contain exfoliants because your skin will turn out to be very sensitive during pregnancy.

You will find that the areola (flat area around the nipple) and your nipples will change color to darker and remain colored a little darker even after you give birth. Let's just say that this pigment change is just one of the many souvenirs that you can get from the process of becoming a mother! The spots and moles that you have can also change color to darker and some new moles may appear during your pregnancy. One thing you need to remember, if a new mole that appears colored is very dark and has an unusual shape, you should immediately see a doctor.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology study, more than 90% of women have stretch marks when their pregnancy reaches the age of 6 to 7 months. Stretch marks themselves arise due to stretching of the base layer of the skin during pregnancy and usually its appearance is marked with pink or purplish lines on the abdomen or in some cases also in the chest and thighs. Fortunately, these lines will fade and change color to silver over time which makes these lines faint and not very visible.

Linea nigra is one of the strangest skin changes that occurs during pregnancy. It is not unusual  for women   to have a thin brown line that extends from the navel to the center of the pubic bone. Actually, the line has been around for a long time but its existence is not very visible until the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy make the line turn brownish. Don't worry about the thought that you have to have a brown line like a crayon on your stomach for life, because this line will disappear by itself a few months after you give birth.

Do you have skin complaints during pregnancy? Please consult us