Winterizing your pool How to protect it from the damage caused by winter

Winter is not the best time for your pool. Therefore, you must prepare your pool before the snowy season. Winterizing your pool guarantees that it will survive the season and be spared by any winter damage.

The pools differ from each other, so it is best to consult the manufacturer of your pool for good winter. Although this is the case, there are general guidelines for winterizing swimming pools, which would give you a good head start. Here are a few:

  • 1. Remove any deck equipment. This includes ladders, diving boards, rails and slides. Store them in areas where they will be safe and sheltered from the weather.
  • 2. Check the chemical balance of the water. The pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6; alkalinity, 80 to 120 ppm; and calcium hardness, 180 to 220 ppm. If the chemical composition of the water is unbalanced, you risk damaging the surface of the pool. Chemical wintering kits, containing the necessary chemical treatments, are available at swimming pool supply stores. Use them as indicated on the product label.
  • 3. Blow water from pumping, heating and filtering systems. You can use a shop vacuum or an air compressor to do this work. Make sure all the water comes out. By emptying these systems, you avoid the possibility of freezing water and cracking the pipes.
  • 4. Lower the water level. This is necessary if your pool is tiled, because when the water expands, it can move outward and crack the tiles. Keep the water 4 to 6 inches below the skimmer. However, if you have drained your underground pipes and use gizzmos to plug the skimmer, you do not need to lower the water control lever. Remember, the higher the water, the better the pool will hold the blanket.
  • 5. Clean the pool. Remove leaves and other debris with a filter or net. Some homeowners prefer not to clean the pool, especially if there are only some floating debris, and do not clean it until the pool opens in the spring. This would be a logical choice as it is always possible that debris will enter the pool. However, it is always advisable to clean the pool before closing it for the winter to ensure healthy water in the spring.
  • 6. Cover the pool. This will prevent debris from entering the pool and prevent the accumulation of algae. The pool covers are of different varieties and also offer various advantages and disadvantages. In any case, choose the cover that offers the most protection and is best for your pool. When installing the cover, make sure the cable is tight enough so that no amount of wind can fall off the cover and expose your pool. To provide support, you can use an air cushion or other floating device. These devices absorb the formation of ice in the pool and prevent its walls from cracking.

Be very careful when you winter your pool. If you have any questions, contact your pool manufacturer or an expert. Do not take risks because repairs are extremely expensive.

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