Choosing the right vacuum cleaner

As the story goes, the first model vacuum cleaner was not even a vacuum cleaner, but rather a carpet sweeper. This was invented by a man named Daniel Hess who, in 1860, patented a machine with rotating brushes on the bottom and a bellows to create a suction.

However, there is no indication that this machine has been produced. About 40 years later, in 1908, James Spangler of Canton, Ohio, obtained a patent for the first portable electric vacuum cleaner. It's actually his cousin, William Hoover, who gave his name to the legendary company that produces quality vacuum cleaners even today.

For more than 150 years, the vacuum cleaner has been greatly improved. By weekly vacuuming your home, doing a spring cleaning, or simply letting the vacuum cleaner to the robot, there is a vacuum cleaner adapted to your needs. With vertical vacuum, HEPA filter can, in bag and without bag, there is always a vacuum cleaner for your needs on the market.

There are actually 2 ways to clean a vacuum cleaner. The first, and the way we evaluate the vacuum cleaner on most people, is the way debris and dirt are collected on the carpet and the floor. When looking for a vacuum cleaner, keep in mind the power of the suction motor, as it is very important for good performance.

The second reason we do not think often is the quality of the suction that filters the air and restores it in the house. Those with allergy problems will find a HEPA vacuum cleaner the best choice. Some models of HEPA vacuum cleaners can filter 99% of pollen, dust and other common household allergens.

There is also the choice of cartridge or vertical vacuum, because it is more or less based on personal preferences. Both types of voids have their advantages and disadvantages. Garbage cans can go under your furniture, which also makes it easier to draw stairs.

Garbage bins, on the other hand, have a retractable electrical cord, which is much more convenient than wrapping around the neck of the vacuum cleaner. It is often easier to push the light head of the vacuumed cleaner rather than pushing a drag style vacuum.

When choosing your vacuum cleaner, keep in mind what you plan to suck. There are several models and types for different uses. If you have hardwood floors, you obviously will not want to use a carpet vacuum.

Small things such as this one will be a huge factor in choosing your vacuum cleaner. If you play your cards well, you will have the perfect vacuum for your home - and for other areas as well.

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