Analyze the benefits of solar energy

We all know that using solar energy is a good thing to do. We have heard, and there are many, of all the benefits of solar energy and we can not agree on why we can not turn this alternative source of energy into a primary source. But despite the benefits, solar energy has not yet been fully integrated into the market. Let's go back to some of the benefits of solar energy and see why go back to fossil fuels as a source of energy.

In the long run, solar energy saves money. Initial costs of installation and operation may be more expensive than other forms of energy, but after paying the expenses, you have a free energy resource. Nobody charges to use sunlight, right? The return on investment can also be shorter depending on the amount of energy used. You will not spend too much on maintenance and these photovoltaic cells can last 15 to 20 years. There are no mechanical or moving parts to lubricate and maintain and there are no parts to replace every year.

Of course, solar energy is respectful of the environment. First, it is renewable, unlike the fossil fuels that, according to the studies, will disappear in four or five decades. The process of converting energy into usable electricity does not result in the release of toxic chemicals that may be harmful to the environment. Emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, lead and mercury will be a memory of the past when everyone turns to solar energy. Trusting the sun for electricity also helps reduce global warming.

In addition to toxic waste and pollutants, the use of solar energy will limit other aspects of the energy sector, such as the hazards of working and transporting oil or natural gas. In addition, the use of other fuels, such as kerosene and candles, which are still popular in third world countries, presents other health risks. With solar energy, these risks will be minimized or even eliminated altogether.

The use of solar panels is also useful in remote areas where the provision of basic electricity services is inconvenient or even impossible. Solar energy can be transported to very remote villages and once installed, it can be left alone for years without maintenance or with little maintenance. Communities in Asian countries have successfully installed solar panels in their communities and have enjoyed the benefits of clean, reliable energy for years.

For a poor country, producing electricity using solar energy can mean its independence from the oil producing countries, which control the supply and prices of oil. With such independence, new energy policies can be created to maximize the benefits to citizens. Countries will not be wary of natural disasters that hinder oil deliveries. With this new independence, countries can invest their national budget in other programs, in addition to buying oil from foreign sources.

The use of solar energy has several disadvantages, among which costs. But in the long run, you will find that the benefits of solar energy outweigh the disadvantages. Moreover, with the current development in the field of science and technology, solar energy is becoming more and more practical and it is not surprising that solar energy becomes the main source of energy during coming years.

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