Types of entrepreneurs

A general contractor is the prime contractor that you must hire for a major renovation project. However, the general contractor has other subcontractors that he oversees for the renovation of your home. The repair and maintenance contractors you need are very different from the general contractor.

Generally, the general contractor does not provide the labor needed to build the house. The workers come from subcontractors or trades. This may include carpenters for roughing, excavators, flooring, paints, sub-concrete, plumbers, electricians, roofers and finish carpenter. The general contractor hires the subcontractors and keeps their contracts. Holding the contract means that they work for him, they are under contract with him and he pays them directly. When you hire a general contractor, you only have one contract with him, not all submarines. The general contractor pays to the subcontractor's fees a certain percentage of the construction amount.

For these costs, the contractor is responsible for the management and planning of the sub-programs. He also pays, supervises construction, provides dumpsters, port-a-john, insurance and other miscellaneous items involved in the construction project. Entrepreneurs earn money by charging labor and marking materials. The general contractor is referred to the generalist and the submarines are the specialists. Whenever you need something specific at home, you always hire a specialist. A specialist would for example be a plumber or an electrician.

When hiring someone for maintenance, some people just hire a guy with a magnetized advertisement on the side of his truck, but in reality he does not have a license. This could be people like gutter cleaners, painters or lawn care. Usually these types work, but you have to be careful because you do not have the required legal protection, unlike a licensed contractor. It's just best to use your common sense and protect yourself by talking to someone you know.

It is usually easy to tell unlicensed entrepreneurs or crooks, or even those who are simply trying to get home. Use wisdom and do your homework to avoid the following pitfalls.

1. Unlicensed contractors often go door-to-door claiming that they just finished a job on the street and we were in the neighborhood and we noticed that your roof needed repair .

2. They can squeeze and twist their words saying, If you act now, you will get a special price.

3. Unlicensed contractors neglect to withdraw building permits or ask you to do so for them. If you do this, you assume the responsibility of the project as well as the mistakes of the contractor.

4. Some states require contractors to enter license numbers on their vehicles, estimates and advertisements. If an entrepreneur has not done that, it's usually a bad sign.

5. If you see a license number in an ad and the number of letters, numbers, and digits is different from all other licenses, it probably means that it is a fake license number .

6. Beware if a contractor provides only a PO Box or cell number. It may mean that he has no credibility in the community and can leave the city when people start complaining.

7. Unlicensed entrepreneurs often ask for a lot of money in advance, or even the total amount. Consider this as a red flag and try not to pay money in advance. If you must, keep the amount to a minimum.

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