Servicing Sinks and Drains - The Top Seven Things That Make You Go Wrong
There are some things you should not put in your sink. It's true that some things are going away and it has to be done this way, but you can clean them up. If you do not clean it, it will be clogged. The maintenance of sinks and pipes is part of owning a home. It's good to review the basics and learn what some people voluntarily allow in their sinks and their lines.
Read this list about not rinsing the wrong thing and not leaving a drain clean.
Food. Do not rinse the food you are pouring unless you have a trash can, it will stop them. This includes such things as popcorn kernels, peels of any vegetable or fruit, pasta shells, bread or butters. All these elements can form a plug between your sink and your exhaust pipe to the outside. Breads and butters really have a hard time clogging a line, as they form a sticky mixture and cling to the sides and bottom of the line.
Fat. The type of fat does not matter. It does not matter whether it is hot or cold fat. Hot grease does not clean a line and does not run faster in a sewer. He clings to his side and forms a hard plug. It thickens very quickly when exposed to colder lines under your sink. Always dispose of the fat once cooled in a refrigerator-proof container or on a countertop. Dispose of your fat in the trash after it has cooled down.
Detergents. Using a dishwashing liquid specially designed for the sink is the only thing to do. Other types of car wash detergents, or even dishwashers, foul the product, especially if you use it in abundance. It seems logical that you can use a dishwashing liquid in the sink. However, the agitation force of the dishwasher separates the thicker detergent that you will not rinse. The same applies for a washer too. The detergent itself is exposed to agitation and decomposes.
Pesticides. Never pour toxic pesticides into your sink. They can, when mixed with water, freeze and form hard cores in the sink pipe. In addition, it gnaws the lines and causes leaks. Eliminate them properly.
Calcium chlorate and lime. Some people on septic tanks have dumped excessive amounts of calcium chlorate into a sink drain to eliminate odors. It is true that some products contain these substances, but they are specially formulated for the use of sinks. Sacks of calcium chlorate and lime will reveal a plug not only at the goose neck of the sink, but also further down the line. When calcium chlorate is wet, it solidifies and hardens. Never pour the fed form onto the lines as it may break and create a secondary form.
Oils outside. As with kitchen grease, never let oil run down your sink. Exterior cleaning oils have a strong petroleum based formulation. Lubricating oils for joints or hinges and engine oil are at the top of the list. People poured this into their sinks and had horrible plugs in the pipes of the drain sinks. You should know that it is against the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to pour engine oil in a container other than the one indicated. You could have huge legal and financial problems if you found traces of it during a water contamination test. It's not worth the risk, and it's also bad for the environment.
In oils. Your lines will not have appreciated the use of baby oils, eye circles, moisturizing oil bottles of very oily oil and oil-based soap foams pushed back into the sewers. Eliminate them properly by leaving them in the container or pour them into another container if you wish to reuse the bottles. Choose the soap and throw it in the trash too.
Hair is another thing that will stop your drain. Use a hair trap on all drains so that it does not block your fine lines. Also perform a monthly hair sweep, and clean all the pipes in the house, and this also includes the drain of your kitchen. Every month, pour a reliable drain cleaner into your ducts to avoid clogged drains.