Insulation options for your attic
Adding insulation to your attic can dramatically reduce your heating and cooling bills each month. The attic is an ideal place for cold, warm air. With good insulation, your attic can provide you with an energy efficient home. There are many options for insulating your attic.
Insulating your attic is the first way to improve your heating and cooling bills and improve the energy efficiency of your home. When properly installed, attic insulation can reduce your energy bill by about twenty percent or more per month. In addition, many types of materials can be used to insulate your attic. In most cases, you do not even need to hire a professional to install it. The owner can do most attic upgrades.
When considering the type of insulation you want to install in your attic, consider the R value. The R value of insulation is its ability to withstand heat flow. The higher the R value, the more efficient it will be to isolate. Insulation materials may vary in thickness. Some insulators have an average of R-3 while others reach R-8 per inch. It is important to remember that over time, any insulation will lose some of its ability to isolate and reduce its R-value.
There are many reasons to consider replacing or improving the attic insulation. For those who have little or no insulation, or who have very old insulation, the replacement of insulation has advantages. In addition, you should consider insulating if your energy bills are high or if your attic or walls have been exposed during redevelopment.
Before replacing or adding insulation to your attic, you must determine if you have moisture problems. The addition of insulation can aggravate moisture problems. Insulation can trap moisture, causing the growth and spread of mold. In addition, when water and moisture accumulate in the attic, stains and rot may occur. Before installing insulation, it is best to seal all air leaks. This not only contributes to humidity, but also reduces heating bills by preventing cold air from entering the house.
Many types of insulation can be added to your attic. Insulating sheets and bats are easy to install. If you have an open attic, some insulation sheets may not be easy to install if the joists are not evenly spaced. In addition, applying a second layer of insulating blankets crosswise on the first layer can help to seal cracks. This will help reduce heat loss. It can also prevent moisture problems.
Another type of insulation that is suitable for the attic is bulk insulation. It's perfect for filling irregularly shaped spaces. It can also have a more complete coverage than bats. When installing bulk insulation, it can be machine blown or handpicked and purchased in a bag. If you like DIY projects, you can rent machines that will blow insulation in rental stores. You must use caution when using a machine to blow insulation. Settings should be carefully defined so that you do not use too much insulation. If the insulation is too thick, it may cause settling and do not insulate the attic properly.
There are commonly used types of insulation that can be good options for use in the attic. Cellulosic insulation is made from wood or ground paper. This type of insulation is often used in attics and usually contains additives to prevent mildew and fire resistance. Fiberglass insulation consists of molten glass wires. This type is also fire resistant. Wood shavings were in common use, but they are not so much, especially in attics. Insulation made from wood chips can be too heavy for attics and can promote mushroom growth.
When working with insulation in your attic, be very careful. You must always protect your hands and eyes when applying insulation. Many types of insulation can irritate the eyes, nose and throat. It is always recommended to wear protective equipment when using insulation in any part of your home. Adding or replacing insulation in your attic can be a good way to reduce your heating and cooling bill. Professionals can be hired to apply insulation or many choose to do it themselves.