How does it hang? Your wallpaper that is

For many people, hanging wallpaper is a complicated and frustrating experience. Although some rooms pose more problems than others (a bathroom, for example), this should not be a stressful experience for you.

The first step is to choose the wallpaper. Today, there are all kinds of wallpapers that you can choose. If you are new to hanging wallpaper, you can choose a pattern with little or no match. This will make it easier for you and may save you money on the amount of paper you need since a complex combination often leads to more waste of paper (and therefore money).

When thinking about choosing a wallpaper, you want to know what kind of room it is used in and what it could come in contact with. For example, vinyl-coated wallpaper is suitable for the kitchen and bathroom as it is more tolerant of grease and moisture. On the other hand, a coated fabric coating makes more sense for living rooms and bedrooms because it is more breathable and less moisture tolerant.

You will need to carefully measure your room to order the right amount of wallpaper. You do not want to go in the middle of your room and you realize you do not have enough. There are online tools that will help you calculate the number of rollers you may need or consult someone from your home or decorating store.

Now that you have selected your paper, you want to make sure you have the right tools. You should have a knife and scissors to cut the paper. You should also have a tape measure or ruler. Sponges and a solder roll are very important because they help you eliminate bubbles from the paper before it dries. A ladder, buckets, sealant (or vinyl adhesive) are also useful to have on hand.

Before hanging the wallpaper, you must make sure that your surface is properly prepared. Start by removing the plug and light switch plates. Clean the surface to remove any grease or stains. You should also try to fill in the holes and repair imperfections on the wall surface. All this preparation will help you in the long run.

You will have to choose a place to start hanging the wallpaper. Two things should be considered when selecting this location: the room layout and the wallpaper pattern. If you wish, you want to select a shorter space to avoid disparity. Usually a door or window is a good place to start - especially a corner behind a door.

Once you have selected a location, you will want to draw a straight line. This is a vertical straight line with which you will align your first strip of wallpaper. Doing this plumb line will ensure that your paper is straight from the beginning.

Now it's time to hang up. If you have purchased pre-pasted paper, you must activate the paste by dipping it in water. There are special wallpaper trays that will help you in this process and prevent your paper from being wrinkled. If your paper is not pre-pasted, you will need to apply the paste and reserve the strips (fold the dough to paste it without creasing the paper). It is really important not to wrinkle the paper at this stage, as these folds are visible when the paper is hanging. If you fold the paper, you can not do anything to remove these creases.

Then you hang your first tape. Use the plumb bob to make sure your paper is hanging. Use your sponge to remove air bubbles and make sure the paper is firmly against the wall. Once in place, you want to cut the top and bottom of the paper using a knife.

Once you have that first band, you can go to the next bands. With each piece, you want to make sure you slide it in place so that there is no overlap or gap between the two pieces. You also want to carefully monitor the corresponding points. When you have three strips in place, you can pass all seams with a seamed roll, but do not press too hard. This will cause excess glue and your paper will not stick to the wall as well. You should also have an adhesive on hand to put on sticky stains. You can also use it in the future if sections or seams start to rise.

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