Hammer It Home Different types of hammers and their tasks
Although the hammer is one of the simplest tools, consisting of a handle and a head, there is nevertheless a wide variety of sizes, styles and features. For basic home repairs, which ones should you have at your fingertips? Keep reading to find out!
Drop these from the list
In general, certain tools belonging to the hammer category are only used for more specialized tasks. These include mallets and mauls, which are woodworking tools; ball-type hammers used for metalworking; and heavier options such as hammer or mass. Assuming you are just looking for something that slams and sometimes breaks things, we will not consider the options below and we will not discuss the most common varieties.
What is it?
Hammerheads, which have a striking surface, are usually made of metal.
The handle allows a good grip, extends the swaying arc, increasing the speed and speed of typing, and serves, in modern times, to absorb shocks. The most common and cheapest handles are made of wood, just like the invention of the hammer. Although the wooden handles absorb shock well, remember that they will probably have to be replaced at some point. Another problem with wooden handles is that hitting hard and hitting the part you are working on will cause more damage than a metal or fiberglass handle.
Also there for hundreds of years, metal hammer handles are extremely durable and resist damage from excessive typing. The weakness of a metal hammer is its lack of shock absorption. To combat this, most metal hammers also have a well cushioned grip.
Finally, the block's newborn hammer handle is fiberglass. Fiberglass handles have the best of both worlds: they absorb shocks as well or better than a wooden handle (with the addition of a rubber grip), and they are almost as stiff or durable as the handles made of metal. Fiberglass hammers can also be used by electricians.
Weigh your options
The most popular hammer weights are between 455 and 680 g (16 to 24 oz). The weight of the hammer is composed only of the weight of the head, not the handle. A 12 oz. Hammer is known as a needle hammer and can be used to drive small nails, nails and thumbtacks. While 20-ounce hammers effectively hammer large nails, the average hammer size of 16 oz is the most popular and versatile.
Choose a head, any head
Most hammers have a flat striking face at one end and a stake at the other, the balance in the head. Peens vary in design; the most common hammer is the claw hammer, in which the plate is shaped like a curved fork with two branches. This claw design is more useful for pulling nails. Likewise, a pestle hammer has a straight fork with two claws. The hammer is designed to separate two pieces of wood assembled.
The decisive factor
Although the goal of the hammer is the most important factor in your decision, you should also consider what a hammer feels like. When you have reduced your choice based on weight, material type and style, choose your finalists and swing them. If possible and safely, hit something with it. Examine how the hammer feels in your hand, if the shock level is acceptable, and if you have good grip and a large amount of tipping power for the current project.
Handle your hammer like a pro
Now that you've bought your hammer, learn what to do with it! Some basic indicators of hammer use are discussed below.
To make it easier to work and to avoid damaging your tools or project, always choose the right hammer for each job.
If you notice a hammer slip on nails, use a medium sandpaper to make the face rough.
Never use the side of a hammer head to make contact, as the metal at this stage is not hardened like the striking face and could be damaged.
Check regularly that the steel wedges holding the hammer handle in the hammer head are tight. The wood can contract in dry weather. If a wooden handle loosens, plunge your head into the water during the night. This will rehydrate the wood, dilating and tightening it.
A piece of cut wood inserted between the workpiece and the hammer will prevent damage during the execution of delicate projects.
Another way to avoid damaging the workpiece is to use a cookie cutter to drive nails into the wood.