Networking of home automation via a home electronic system
The international standard, although relatively slow, has a wide participation in the trading of ideas between home automation developers around the world. Application model specifications promote product interoperability. This is considered interesting so focus on the latest protocols.
Reports have been written to encourage energy service companies to develop new services for consumers using home automation networks. This led to the development of an international home networking standard called Home Electronic System (HES). Most recently, this material has been updated and reflects its progressive results.
The main goal of HES is to identify software and hardware so that manufacturers can offer a product version that can run on a wide range of home automation networks. Several HES components are needed to achieve this goal.
- Universal interface. This interface module is integrated with the devices to enable communication on different home automation networks. The main purpose of HES is to establish communication between the devices on any home automation communication network. A user interface or universal interface is incorporated into the devices, including the standard data connector. The standard language application is also developed for all appliance messages and commands.
Each connection point on the network contains the Network Access Unit (NAU), which converts device messages and data signals into a communication protocol specific to home automation. HES identifies the communication protocol between NAU and IU.
- Command language. The language used by devices to communicate with each other, regardless of the network on which the messages are routed. The HES language accepts network commands. However, the interposition of the NAU-IU link between the devices and the network supports can not optimize the operation of the home automation system, but it reduces the costs when it is sold on a large market.
- HomeGate. This residential gateway connects home control networks to the external networks of service providers. The main function of the gateway is to translate the protocols between WAN (Wide Area Network) and LAN (Local Area Network). It contains the features of a firewall limiting the messages that can circulate inside and outside the house.
The HES Working Group is also authorized to investigate communications, control and command network applications in mixed-use and commercial buildings. Residential buildings with offices and retail stores fall into the category of mixed-use buildings.
Subsystem and device designers make decisions about variables and functions that can be accessed from other gadgets within home automation networks. In engineering language, these are options for controllability and observability. These decisions must be consistent so that the devices can interact successfully. The application model explains the device engineering aspects that can be written, executed, or read across networks. This model is important for transmitting information to the manufacturers of the product that will be connected by a network for home automation purposes.
The main protocol never includes the full application of the subsystem model in its specifications. Verification of the objects that make up an application can deduce a model. The selection of methods, variables, and objects depends on how the communication interface designers understand the device. This information must be fully described in the application template. Otherwise, manufacturers may misinterpret the details of device operation because they do not have staff or network experts familiar with the communication models.
Countries considered as core members have endorsed HES templates for publications including energy management, security and control systems. The HES Working Group examines functional safety issues. For example, the IEC Safety Advisory Committee (International Electrotechnical Commission) has asked the working group to develop guidelines on home network security. Security messages that are considered critical must be confirmed before they can be sent over the network. The operation of the devices on the network does not compromise its security aspects. Thus, in the event of a network failure, the device maintains the appropriate security levels.
There are safety standards provided by the IEC for various devices if they operate individually. The main concern of ACOS is that the interaction between products via home control networks is harmonized. Functional safety is defined by the IEC as the ability of the residential control system to perform essential actions to maintain and achieve the desired levels of safety in normal situations and in emergency situations.