What kind of furniture should a green patio have?
If you are trying to build a green patio, one of the main things to watch for is your furniture. Your furniture must look great, be very functional and be environmentally friendly at the same time.
que devriez-vous rechercher dans les patio furniture en général?
Pour commencer, tous les patio furniture doivent être résistants aux intempéries. Vous ne pouvez pas avoir du bois qui craquera par temps chaud ou froid. Vous ne pouvez pas avoir de matériaux qui se dilatent ou se rétrécissent trop quand il est mouillé. Vous ne pouvez pas avoir de matériaux qui vont pourrir.
Parce que les patio furniture sont la plupart du temps à l'extérieur, ils doivent être très difficiles.
In addition, the general design should match the rest of your deck.
Quels types de patio furniture verts correspondent à cette description?
teak furniture
Le teck est l’un des meilleurs bois à utiliser pour les patio furniture verts.
First of all, teak does not need to be treated. Wood treatment is an extremely chemical process that uses a lot of energy and produces waste that is harmful to the environment.
Teak is also extremely water resistant and lasts a long time. This is the kind of wood the government uses in park and bus benches. Furniture is almost always last and should rarely be replaced. Teak is also used in boat building.
cedar furniture
Cedar furniture is one of the most powerful types of wood. It is almost as strong as oak, but does not crack. Most woods will crack with time, but cedar holds.
An interesting feature of cedar is that it is cool to the touch even in hot weather. This can add a touch of class to the atmosphere of your patio on a hot summer day.
100% recycled plastics
Finally, you have plastic materials made from 100% recycled plastic. You can choose from different types.
First of all, you have very basic furniture. These will look a lot like your typical plastic patio furniture, with the exception that they are made from recycled material.
You can also get high quality recycled plastic furniture. These items can have a wide variety of different designs, some of them even looking like wood.
There is a wide choice of materials and furniture from which an environmentally conscious person can choose. From wood to recycled materials, there is furniture for almost all sizes and styles of patio.
When ordering wood, be sure to obtain Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood. When you buy 100% recycled plastics, make sure to research the company by which it is produced to make sure they are really a green business. By supporting companies that produce green furniture, you support the green industry as a whole.