Step-by-step instructions to properly finish your drywall seams
We all want our homes to be beautiful inside and out. This is the reason why many people try to finish their own drywall to ensure that the quality of the finish is almost perfect and that the finishing work is of good quality and that it shortens.
However, if you are new to drywall finishing, you will have trouble doing it. In fact, the finishing of drywall is not easy, it takes years to get good results in finishing.
Basically, the key to a perfect drywall finish is the practice. Practicing this skill will help you become really good at finishing drywall. With practice, you can be sure that you will be able to get that professional grade finish for your drywall and have a flawless finish that will give your home a much better look.
You have to remember that the process is very easy to explain and do, but it will be you who will need to get a specific feel every time you apply the mud and you finish the drywall properly. This means that you will be the only one to observe and feel if you have worked well with the finishes.
So, here are the step by step instructions on how to properly finish your drywall.
After installing the gypsum and preparing it for finishing, you must first apply the gypsum tape to the joints. A good tip is to apply fiberglass tape on the flat seams and gypsum paper tape on the corners.
Basically, the fiberglass drywall tape has a self-adhesive adhesive. This means that it can be applied before applying drywall mud. For drywall paper tape, you will first need to apply a layer of drywall mud before applying tape.
After applying fiberglass tape, you can now apply drywall joint compound. For this, it is strongly recommended to use a 5-inch drywall trowel. When finishing drywall joints, try using a 12-inch cement trowel, as it will allow you to spread more drywall joint compound on appearances when first applied.
After the first application, allow the joint compound to dry before applying the next coat. In simple terms, you will continue to spread the mud evenly until the seams are flat and imperceptible.
For this flawless finish, you can sand the area where you applied the drywall joint compound to smooth it out and prepare it for painting.
These are the step by step instructions on how you can get this professional finish for your drywall. Always remember that you may not be successful the first time, but with practice, you can achieve the professional result you have always wanted.