Evaluate your wall for repairs
If you see cracks on your walls, you do not need to panic. It can not mean anything. However, some may indicate that you are experiencing a major structural flaw. If this is the case, then you will need to take the appropriate steps for the case. That's why a good evaluation should be done.
Notice the problem
Most often, cracked foundation walls are the subject of special attention when selling a property on the market.
Even if the owner insists that the cracked wall has been like this forever, the buyer tends to be concerned about the situation.
Whether you're a buyer, a seller, or just a wall-smart person, here are some important points to evaluate your wall if it needs to be repaired or not.
Causes and factors of cracking walls
Foundation walls built with concrete blocks are more prone to cracking than solid concrete walls. This is especially true if an 8-inch block was used for the block wall.
Of course, foundation walls must support the vertical weight of a building. In addition, if the basement is solid, it should be able to withstand lateral or internal pressure exerted by the exterior floor against the wall. If water saturates the backfill or soil, the internal pressure can easily overload the wall into blocks, which can lead to cracks.
In addition, the roots of medium to large trees, close to your foundation wall, can also cause major problems. Most of the time, the roots grow towards your walls because of the accumulation of water along it.
See the signs
Horizontal cracks on mortar joints are usually caused by too much pressure inwards against the block foundation. If you see a horizontal crack almost as high as half the wall, it may be a sign of too much lateral pressure from the ground.
Sometimes you can also find short and small horizontal and vertical cracks or cracks at the end of a wall. This too is a variation of soil pressure cracks.
When to be alarmed
Usually, block foundation walls can remain cracked for a number of years without apparent additions of cracks or bulging inwards. But, by the time you get a horizontal crack, the structural integrity of your wall is very small. In addition, if the soil fill is saturated, especially during rainy days, the number of cracks could increase or, worse, further deteriorate. your wall foundation can collapse.
Choice of solutions
Such problems can be repaired permanently. In fact, there are methods in which you do not need a complete replacement, provided that the inward movement does not exceed one inch from the bottom of the wall. You can usually find the maximum inward arrow where the horizontal crack is and near its average height.
One method you can do is to reinforce your wall with reinforced block pillars or steel studs. However, if you are concerned about the cost, you can opt for steel gallows because they are cheaper than others. However, if you are looking for the overall look you want, you can use pillars as they can give a better finished look.