Sign with your signature color - Tips for finding the color that tells you

Everyone has that color they prefer. Whether it's your favorite color that has been your favorite color since childhood or simply a color that looks fabulous with your hair color and tone of skin, consider creating that signature shade. Whatever the color, make sure the complexion, the color of your eyes and hair match your skin, before making the decision to call that color your signature color. Nobody wants a signature color that you will not be able to wear because it contrasts with your natural appearance. Know also when you limit the use of your signature color, as it can quickly switch from smart and chic to eccentric and sticky. You do not have to wear the color of your signature. Instead, consider using the color of your signature in the following ways:

Create your signature

Once you have determined which color will be used as a signature, try to incorporate that color into your wardrobe. Again, everything in your wardrobe does not have to be the color of your signature. Consider using this color to accentuate the neutral tones that should dominate your wardrobe, including black, white, ivory, brown, gray, and navy blue. Use your signature color to create unique pops in every aspect of your wardrobe and environment.

Use your signature color in your home to express your true self

In addition to using your signature color to accent your wardrobe, also use this favorite color to accent your home. Whether you are painting an accent wall in this beautiful hue, whether you choose a carpet with your favorite color, whether you use decorative cushions in the shade of your choice, or incorporate napkins of that color into your design, your color. signature will go perfectly in your house. can work in your wardrobe.

Accentuate with accessories - Accessories with a personal touch

Think about using your signature color in some poignant accessories built into your wardrobe. Remember to buy a brooch or fake bodice in your favorite shade to put on your lapel, sweater or shirt. Consider buying a fantastic pair of shoes in your signature color as a unique drink that will benefit any wardrobe. Try to include a killer handbag in your favorite hue that is sure to complement any item in your wardrobe. Plus, use a scarf with your signature color or choose to incorporate a pretty ribbon to your hairstyle, serve as a belt or even be a choker!

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