Shopping tips for back to school
Back-to-school sales seem to begin almost as soon as your kids leave school for the summer. For parents, these sales are one of the best ways to achieve substantial savings. Let's look at some of the ways you can save money when you prepare to send your children to school.
1. Sales. Yes, back to school sales are always good for parents. National distribution chains such as WalMart, Target, Sears, JC Penney and KMart all have sales, as well as chains of pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens and Eckerds. The first group of stores is a great place to buy clothes and school bags, while the last group offers discounted school supplies.
2. Dollar stores. Almost every city in the United States has dollar stores where everything is sold, you guessed it, to a dollar. Many of these stores are random as to what they carry or what they have available to them. Some items, even a dollar, are much more expensive than those found on sale at the usual retailers.
3. Close the out. Your kids may protest, but nearby stores - Odd Lots and Big Lots to name two - will carry items that your family can use. Of course, clothes can be completely old-fashioned, but lunch boxes, pens, stationery, book bags, etc. usually are not.
4. Put me down. Big bro or big sis may have clothes or items that they no longer use. If they are slightly worn / used, consider passing them on to your youngest children.
5. Garage and yard sales. Your child's lunch box or calculator may be at your neighbor's location rather than at a retailer. Expect prices to be 50 to 90% lower than the retail price.
6. Consignment shops. Did someone say: Salvation Army? Ok, that's a bit exaggerated. Your kids will probably scream if you take them to a shipping store, so you can go instead. More than likely what you buy will be for your personal use. Use the money saved to buy Nike shoes for your sophomore.
7. Weeks free of tax. If you live in an area where sales taxes on clothing are high, wait for a tax free week to save money on purchases. The city of New York, for example, is one of the cities where the week is tax free. At 8.25%, this particularly high sales tax rate often drives people to flee the city and travel to New Jersey, where there is no tax on clothing. Save fuel, tolls and time, and support your local economy while waiting for these special weeks.
You can also save money on school supplies, especially when shopping online or in bulk. Back-to-school should not mean a debt to the condition of shopping with caution and caution.