Learn more about the basic principles of skin care

The body's most important body, not to mention the most exposed, the skin offers many revealing details about a person's identity - from the lifestyle to the choice of products. This is why the skin has been checked frequently, sometimes intentionally. And for fear of missing the test, many people paid close attention to the skin. It's purely normal. In fact, every person should be concerned about taking care of their skin. However, this does not mean that complex skin care routines need to be incorporated into the daily routines, as the practice of basic care must do quite well.

Here are the four basics of skin care. Do them with regularity and your skin will be as radiant and youthful as you want.

1. Clean. Healthy skin is clean skin; so clean it regularly with a compatible facial cleanser. A good cleanser removes dirt, excess oil and germs while being gentle on the skin. When choosing a cleanser, consider your skin type and be extremely critical. Some cleaners come in the form of soaps, others in liquid form. Some beauty experts prefer to use liquid cleansers because they believe that soaps can remove moisture from the skin and leave it dry. However, it is a matter of personal preference. If you are  more comfortable   with soap, that's fine. But be sure to choose mild soaps.

TIP Do not wash your skin too much because it will do more harm than good to your skin. At most, wash your face twice: morning and evening. Some people prefer to wash with warm water in the morning and use a cleanser at night. Again, if you omit the cleanser of your morning routine is a matter of preference.

2. Moisturize. The purpose of moisturizers is to keep moisture trapped in the skin, preventing it from being dry, flaky and cracked. Every skin type must be hydrated, even oily skin. The good thing is, there are moisturizers specifically designed for each skin type.

TIP Because of the advanced science, moisturizers are far from their first counterparts, which previously consisted only of water and wax blends. Nowadays, there are ingredients that replenish the natural oil and help with exfoliation, such as glycerol, ceramides and hydroxy acids. Look for these ingredients when choosing a moisturizer.

3. Exfoliate. Few people know that exfoliation is as important as cleansing the skin and leaves it out of their routine. This should not be the case. Exfoliation of the skin at least once a week is necessary to remove dead  skin cells   that cause blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. With regular exfoliation, the skin is smooth and radiant.

TIP Facial scrubs have powerful exfoliating properties. That's why many skincare manufacturers now produce their own exfoliating products. But as there are many options on the market, it is better to be a bit critical. When looking for a facial scrub, choose the one with small grains. It is proven that it works more gently on the skin.

4. Protect yourself from the sun. Life-long sun exposure causes most skin damage, and these injuries, such as wrinkles, brown spots, uneven skin and dryness, appear later in life. But as they tend to manifest slowly, this damage is too often ignored. Protect your skin from the sun, especially harmful UV rays, from the beginning and use sun protection.

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